Sed rutrum, urna nec blandit rutrum, libero justo egestas massa, id interdum dolor sem eget nulla. Mauris id justo felis. Aenean nisi felis, gravida sed dictum quis, vulputate a turpis. Mauris sagittis, orci et gravida posuere, orci ipsum scelerisque neque, et finibus dolor sem in quam. Ut semper congue orci vitae hendrerit.
Fusce urna massa, tincidunt vitae odio nec, laoreet faucibus leo. Duis lectus sapien, molestie quis faucibus ut, eleifend in sem. Proin sed sapien feugiat, commodo nisl a, lobortis augue. Suspendisse vitae ullamcorper dui. Pellentesque placerat, dolor vitae viverra sodales, dui mauris euismod enim, non lobortis erat arcu efficitur ex. Nunc dui dui, laoreet at congue et, iaculis in arcu. Duis et nisl elit. Vestibulum ac pellentesque purus, et luctus eros. Quisque sed fermentum elit. Donec velit felis, lacinia vitae lorem et, viverra dignissim erat. Nam et pulvinar turpis. Donec sed velit sit amet turpis tempus faucibus ac in quam. Praesent a ipsum euismod, accumsan massa id, finibus neque. Proin eu leo sit amet metus pharetra lobortis. Aenean risus enim, pretium non auctor vitae, interdum aliquam purus.
Doing SEO for a high profile client like Marcus Lemonis will really make you question your SEO skills. Even though I had been doing SEO for 15 years, I was still nervous. I couldn’t let the opportunity of working for someone of that magnitude go to waste. As I did the SEO for his sites, I found myself always stressed about how to get the most out of every link I built for his companies. Was I going to get his businesses penalized for using the wrong anchor text? I’m all about white hat SEO but I seemed to be second guessing my every move.
In the end, I worked extremely hard to validate everything I was doing for him and I helped him get great results. That experience made me dig deeper than I ever had in my SEO career. Those types of challenges make us evolve. It helped me make some major SEO breakthroughs that eventually turned into SEOJet. As I was building out how the link management software for SEOJet was going to work, I had to do a ton of backlink research. I did that research by looking at thousands of backlinks for #1 ranked web pages. More specifically, I would grab the #1 ranked website from a random search term and look at every single link that pointed to that page.
Doing SEO for a high profile client like Marcus Lemonis will really make you question your SEO skills. Even though I had been doing SEO for 15 years, I was still nervous. I couldn’t let the opportunity of working for someone of that magnitude go to waste. As I did the SEO for his sites, I found myself always stressed about how to get the most out of every link I built for his companies. Was I going to get his businesses penalized for using the wrong anchor text? I’m all about white hat SEO but I seemed to be second guessing my every move. In the end, I worked extremely hard to validate everything I was doing for him and I helped him get great results. That experience made me dig deeper than I ever had in my SEO career.
Those types of challenges make us evolve. It helped me make some major SEO breakthroughs that eventually turned into SEOJet. As I was building out how the link management software for SEOJet was going to work, I had to do a ton of backlink research. I did that research by looking at thousands of backlinks for #1 ranked web pages. More specifically, I would grab the #1 ranked website from a random search term and look at every single link that pointed to that page.
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